Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Long time no post

I know,
 I haven't post anything in a while .I've been so busy with the legal part of starting  a craft business and  getting ready for my first craft fair of the season. I didn't take any pictures of my work, step by step .
 Let me fill you in on what's been going on .After many hours of phone call's and talking to friends that  do crafting for a business ,I finally got all my info in order .In my state you need to apply for a tax number or as they call it   Sales Tax Certificate of Authority .Every state differs a little so be sure to call an ask questions.Where did I start ?Web searches ,I Googled it. I Did days of searches and reading .I called my county clerks office. In most cases the people on the other side of the phone were nice and helpful ,but some just confused me even more .I was to embarrassed to call back and ask more questions but eventually, I did . Then I called my mother in-law.She was very informative and experienced in this field,and gave me the needed confidence to move forward .  If I learned anything is from this at all, it  is to be assertive and get the information you need and keep asking question till you completely understand even if you have to call your mother in-law. LOL   You can't afford to do anything wrong  .So I fill out the papers I needed for my state and I'm ready to go .So a Crafting I have been .

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