Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Snowman Face Gift Tag

Materials needed 
Cardstock I used vintage manila file folder 
black Liquid gel pen 
white paint 
black paint 
orange paint, brown paint 
small plastic top for mixing water and paint
a few paint brushes 
a old tag to trace or a ruler to measure and mark your own tags
 scissor to cut out your tags
paper plate or foil to put small amounts of paint
scrap paper 
rubber stamp ( to ; from )or nicely written by you  
cup of water to wash out your paintbrush and a paper towel to dry your brush .
glitter and glue ,
and newspaper to protect you work surface .

First make and cut your tags .Sorry no picture for this step . 


With my gel pen I drew a semi circle in the corner of my tag .
with the white paint file in your semicircle 

put some black paint onto a paper plate and with  the back end of your paint brush dip into some paint no too much test it on a piece of scrap and practice dabbing dots ,till  to you get the hang of how much paint you will need .  Once you get the hang of it give your snowman his 
coal dot eyes I wanted mine to be looking up so I placed them as so .


Now start his coal dots for his mouth


Now for his carrot nose ,us your orange paint make a thin triangle between the eyes and mouth  .I used a fine tipped paint brush ,Since I wanted mine to look up I angled the carrot nose on and angle facing up, just a bit .


As you can tell I took pictures of my steps using different tags ,and you don't have to be precise on the number of dots to form the mouth .It looks good with with ether 4 dots or 5 smaller dots .  
This next step you don't have to use a stamp you can hand write the to and From .I make lots of these and it just makes it go faster for me to use a stamp .

Than I added glue ,think coat and covered all the area that I wished to glitter .
I used a paintbrush to help me get the glue in all the right places.
How mine looked after the glitter. I added a bit to his carrot nose for that, frosty look.
Now you can stop at this step just add your string or ribbon .
and your done 

But ,
 if would like to age them ,do not add the string follow these steps .

A drop of brown paint to a few drops of water . 

Mix the paint and water a little at a time, till you get the shade you desire ,
I start out light and just re apply till I get it the way I like it to the look I like .
Brush the mixture to the edge of your card ,the cardstock will soak some up and it will spread out a bit, so take your time .

Should end up looking something like this.
Now you can add you string ,ribbon and your done .Add this to you gifts or make a batch of these and give to sell at craft fairs .
If  you get glitter all over like i do ,Us a damp paper towel to wipe it up .
Tell me what you think of this pictorial ,
pin it to pinterest ,share it on your favorite social media ,  
 hope it was easy to follow 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Stove Pipe Tophat

In this blog I will be telling you how I made the hat .You can put your own spin on it .I love Americana so I made mine Modeled after  the  Uncle Sams hat pictured in the I'm Counting On You Don't Discuss ", propaganda posters from world war 2. 

You will need 
One large cardboard oats container 
A ruler
X Acto knife , scissors ,Masking tape, strips of newspaper ,Mod Podge ,paintbrush ,
Corrugated cardboard , a good  fast grabbing glue ,paint red (old world Christmas )  ,Silk flowers ,a can of some kind of spray  Foam Insulation . n a long thin  blade or knife 

Measure put a mark all the way around than put masking tape around  to mark where to cut .

I cut above the taped mark with my XActo knife

I was so into making this I forgot to take
pictures of some parts .
So after I have my oat container all done
 I find something round and about 2 inches larger
 than the oat container ,I used a pot top.
Trace onto your flat corrugated cardboard n cut out.
Now cut your newspaper into strips mine were about 1/2 wide
and the length of  the shortest side of my daily newspaper.
Center the cut oat container onto your cardboard circle and glue
in place .

Once dry you can start layering you paper strips with Mod Podge. Allow to dry thoroughly before applying your next coat .Repeat process 3 times 

To get the stripes I used masking tape at some point towards the end you wont have even spaces

Once the paint has dried for 24 hours I aged my hat buy wiping thinned out, with water brown paint then wiping it off .Repeat the process till you get the look you like .
Add you spray canned insulation. Let Dry a few days .

Than cut down even with the top of your hat .

If it's still wet on the inside , let it dry and trim .Now you can decorate it the way you like .Hope you liked this pictorial and it was easy to follow .Remember to share it with your friends. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Shiny Kitchen Spiders

I saw these in a magazine when my kids where little. Back in the day when magazine were paper that you held in your hands .Before the world wide web. I just can't remember which one it was .Being a mother of 5 , I just never got around to making them .So I made some today .They were so fast and easy I thought I'd share them with you .

Materials needed 
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
Kitchen scrubby the metal kind 
Pipe Cleaners 
fishing line if you plan to hang these cute little buggers up and have them dangling around your house .

Find the center of your pipe cleaners and
Twist together good .I twisted mine around two times.

shape your metal scrubbie so one side is bigger then the other .

 Wrap you pipe cleaners around where you feel it looks best.
 Pull them tight ,then twist .

Shape your legs an position how you like .

 Mine looks like this .

 Next I put a dot of hot glue on the googly eyes I used three .Careful not to burn your fingers like I did.

 Heres my first ones face .The mouth is just a googly eye one with a painted lid and lashes on turned upside down.
 This one I cut a small circle out of black poster board and glued a bunch of different sized googlie eyes on it, then glued it to my spider.
 LOL,   OOW WOO  CREEPY                                                                                                
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