Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Snowman Face Gift Tag

Materials needed 
Cardstock I used vintage manila file folder 
black Liquid gel pen 
white paint 
black paint 
orange paint, brown paint 
small plastic top for mixing water and paint
a few paint brushes 
a old tag to trace or a ruler to measure and mark your own tags
 scissor to cut out your tags
paper plate or foil to put small amounts of paint
scrap paper 
rubber stamp ( to ; from )or nicely written by you  
cup of water to wash out your paintbrush and a paper towel to dry your brush .
glitter and glue ,
and newspaper to protect you work surface .

First make and cut your tags .Sorry no picture for this step . 


With my gel pen I drew a semi circle in the corner of my tag .
with the white paint file in your semicircle 

put some black paint onto a paper plate and with  the back end of your paint brush dip into some paint no too much test it on a piece of scrap and practice dabbing dots ,till  to you get the hang of how much paint you will need .  Once you get the hang of it give your snowman his 
coal dot eyes I wanted mine to be looking up so I placed them as so .


Now start his coal dots for his mouth


Now for his carrot nose ,us your orange paint make a thin triangle between the eyes and mouth  .I used a fine tipped paint brush ,Since I wanted mine to look up I angled the carrot nose on and angle facing up, just a bit .


As you can tell I took pictures of my steps using different tags ,and you don't have to be precise on the number of dots to form the mouth .It looks good with with ether 4 dots or 5 smaller dots .  
This next step you don't have to use a stamp you can hand write the to and From .I make lots of these and it just makes it go faster for me to use a stamp .

Than I added glue ,think coat and covered all the area that I wished to glitter .
I used a paintbrush to help me get the glue in all the right places.
How mine looked after the glitter. I added a bit to his carrot nose for that, frosty look.
Now you can stop at this step just add your string or ribbon .
and your done 

But ,
 if would like to age them ,do not add the string follow these steps .

A drop of brown paint to a few drops of water . 

Mix the paint and water a little at a time, till you get the shade you desire ,
I start out light and just re apply till I get it the way I like it to the look I like .
Brush the mixture to the edge of your card ,the cardstock will soak some up and it will spread out a bit, so take your time .

Should end up looking something like this.
Now you can add you string ,ribbon and your done .Add this to you gifts or make a batch of these and give to sell at craft fairs .
If  you get glitter all over like i do ,Us a damp paper towel to wipe it up .
Tell me what you think of this pictorial ,
pin it to pinterest ,share it on your favorite social media ,  
 hope it was easy to follow 

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